About this Song
“Teach Me To Walk in the Light”
The inspiration of the music written by Clara McMaster comes John 1:7
“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.”
Clara McMaster was in search for inspiration; She was given the task of writing a song that was to be presented by the Primary at the 1958 general conference. At the time she was serving on the music committee of the Primary General Board. For inspiration, she did what she had often done, which is to turn to the scriptures. On the subject of the song she said, “The scriptures are filled with this great, important message-‘walk in the light’-and I have often gone to the scriptures for guidance and direction in my assignments.” Her search for inspiration was effective, and the result was the tender song “Teach Me to Walk in the Light.”
The song is unique in the way the dialogue is presented. Verse one, is a child’s plea for help, which is answered by a parental voice in the second verse. Verse three is a prayer of thanks and gratitude.
A free digital download of the audio can be obtained by requesting through the CONTACT page.
This musical arrangement is restricted to a religious service.
If your performance qualifies request through the CONTACT page.